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Welcome back to Nature

These quotes explain why I am dedicated to bringing natives back to the landscape

“We have allowed alien plants to replace natives all over the country. Our native animals and plants cannot adapt to this gross and completely unnatural manipulation of their environment in time to negate the consequences. Their only hope for a sustainable future is for us to intervene to right the wrongs that we have perpetrated.”
“If we humans are capable of turning hundreds of millions of acres of rainforest into depleted grasslands, and extirpating millions of buffalo from the plains, and billions of passenger pigeons from the skies and cod from the North Atlantic, we are also capable of returning natives to our gardens.”

“...maintaining our lawns in their prestigious, weed-free states has become quite a toxic undertaking...40% of the chemicals used by the lawn-care industry are banned in other countries because they are carcinogens.”

- Douglas W. Tallamy, Bringing Nature Home: How Native Plants Sustain Wildlife in Our Gardens

How you can use the site

Not only are there services, that we provide regionally to New England, but there is also unique features not found elsewhere. The Phenology calendar is evolving and changing and hopefully will be able to be expanded to more areas of america and the world. Native Plant Catalog has a list of native plants along with links to further reading about each species.

If i could find the information on another site i included that link on the resources list. Use this list to zero in on plants in your area, or garden ideas along with groups and providers to source native plants near you!

Holistic Soil and Plant Care

Using the Power of Nature 

Native Habitats assesses your landscape as an ecosystem and can create a unique plan for you. By addressing the root of any landscape issues we can save you money and headaches of using band-aids that won't work.  By increasing plant health and vigor and reducing life killing applications of Biocides we can increase soil life and solve a multitude of problems.


Native Plants First

Sustainable Practices

Every organism evolves to fit into its unique community. When we started introducing species with no predators they outcompeted North American Native species. Many common plants and animals you may think are Native are not suchas honeybees, and worms. The entire continent had its recycling and flower pollination regime changed along with the many changes of colonization. That is why Native Habitats prefers to use Native Plants and showcase their beauty.

Explore the Collection

Check out our art displayed on various eco-friendly products

Seasonal Plant Gallery

Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or just starting out, recognizing different plant species is an essential skill to have. At Native Habitats, we believe in educating our customers on the importance of plant identification and conservation. By planting native species in your garden, you can help to preserve biodiversity and protect local wildlife. Our team is dedicated to providing you with the tools and resources you need to cultivate a beautiful, sustainable garden that supports your local ecosystem.



Kaleb received his BS from the College at Brockport in Environmental Science and Terrestrial Ecology.   This focuses on nutrients flowing through the landscape and what biology you need to acess it all. In every soil there is the capacity to grow most anything, you just need the right soil life to decompose other things. 

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